Release Notes - Gooddata Cloud

GoodData Cloud - August 24, 2023

Related products: GoodData Cloud
GoodData Cloud - August 24, 2023

New Features

Explicit Workspace Data Filters

We've introduced a new panel in the logical data modeler to help you manage workspace data filters. Within the “view details” dialog, a new “Data filtering” tab now allows users to toggle workspace data filters for designated datasets and align them with columns in the source table/view. Instead of merely matching column names, the mapping of these filters necessitates explicit activation and dataset-specific mapping.

This enhancement marks the beginning of our vision to make workspace data filters manageable via the application's frontend, moving beyond exclusive API access.

Learn More:

Set Up Data Filters in Workspaces

Enhanced Metadata in Analytics Entities

We have added new metadata to analytics entities - analytical dashboards, visualization objects, dashboard plugins, and metrics. These entities will now include the following fields:

  • createdAt: Displays the creation timestamp.

  • createdBy: Shows the original creator.

  • modifiedAt: Shows the latest edit timestamp.

  • modifiedBy: Points to the last editor.

To ensure smooth integration, we're updating the metadata database in this release. It includes adding new fields to related tables. For existing entities, createdAt gets the local time, while other fields (createdBy, modifiedAt, modifiedBy) remain null.

Analytical Designer and Dashboards will now list insights by modification date, with the latest on top. Tabs above allow filtering by the current user's creations and all workspace insights. Note that the default tab shows only new insights due to metadata migration not populating createdBy.

Learn More:

See the Extended Metadata section for further details.

GoodData.UI 9.0.1

This hotfix introduces support for JWT authentication.

Bug Fixes

  • We have added a new property called oauthSubjectIdClaim to the organization API entity that lets you map your claim to a custom property of the ID token sent to GoodData. This should resolve issues with, for example, using Azure Active Directory as your OIDC identity provider.

  • IDs that contain the + character should no longer cause issues when being referenced in the url of an API call.

  • We resolved an issue where certain workspace hierarchy permission configurations could result in you being unable to open the metric editor in a child workspace.


Physical Data Model Deprecated

Update: Due to unforeseen technical challenges, the deprecation of the PDM has been postponed to the next release. We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience this may cause.

We've streamlined our modeling processes. Previously, a separate physical data model (PDM) was built atop the data source, while logical data models (LDM) were set for individual workspaces. Now, LDMs will encompass PDM details, centralizing data within a single workspace and simplifying SQL-based dataset interactions. While backend changes impact the REST API's interaction with LDM and PDM, frontend user interactions remain unchanged. Users should transition LDM backups to the new format and cease using the deprecated PDM and its API endpoints.

Learn More:

Deprecation of the Physical Data Model