
How To Create Alerts in GoodData

  • 24 August 2023
  • 0 replies
How To Create Alerts in GoodData
Userlevel 1

If you wish to set alerts for specific metrics or visualizations in GoodData, this tutorial will guide you through the process of using the GoodData Python SDK. Alerts enhance your monitoring capabilities for critical metrics and automate the notification process, which can assist you in preventing serious issues. With the flexibility of the GoodData Python SDK, you aren't limited to just one predefined solution, so you can customize it to your heart's content.

You can check the whole repository here.


You can still create alerts without an S3 bucket, but your capabilities will be limited. This is because the S3 bucket is used to store information about notifications that have already been sent. Without it, you will receive the same notification repeatedly.


  • It works only with visualization type Headline

Step 1: Install dependencies

# install all dependencies defined in requirements.txt 
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: Setup all environment variables

export GOODDATA_HOST='<gooddata-host>'
export GOODDATA_TOKEN='<gooddata-token>'
export GOODDATA_WORKSPACE_ID='<gooddata-workspace-id>'
export S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<s3-access-key-id>'
export S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<s3-secret-access-key'
export S3_BUCKET_NAME='<s3-bucket-name>'
export EMAIL_PASSWORD='<email-password>'

You can find the GoodData host and GoodData workspace ID in the URL <GOODDATA_HOST>/dashboards/#/workspace/<GOODDATA_WORKSPACE_ID>.

Step 3: Define thresholds

- id: <visualization-id> # id of visualization
column: <entity-id> # the number to watch, it is the name of column returned from GoodData pandas dataframe
threshold: <threshold> # threshold number, for example 300
threshold_type: uptrends # threshold type can be 'uptrends' or 'downtrends'
- id: <visualization-id> # id of visualization
column: <entity-id> # the number to watch, it is the name of column returned from GoodData pandas dataframe
threshold: <threshold> # threshold number, for example 4
threshold_type: downtrends # threshold type can be 'uptrends' or 'downtrends'

You can find the GoodData visualization ID if you open Analytics Designer with a specific visualization: <GOODDATA_HOST>/analyze/#/<GOODDATA_WORKSPACE_ID>/<GOODDATA_VISUALIZATION_ID>/edit.

Step 4: Define time to run alerting

In the gooddata_alerting.py, you can adjust your preferred time to run alerting.


while True:

If you prefer, you can also run it during cache invalidation.

Step 5: Run it! 🚀

$ python gooddata_alerting.py

How does it work?

The best demonstration of the whole functionality is the following script:

for new_id, new_item in new_dict.items():
old_item = old_dict.get(new_id)

if old_item:
if new_item.notify and not old_item.notified_before:
notification.send_email("Alert!", f"Visualization with id {new_item.id} has reached threshold!")
new_item.notified_before = True

if old_item.notified_before and new_item.notify:
new_item.notified_before = True

if old_item.notified_before and not new_item.notify:
new_item.notified_before = False
if new_item.notify:
notification.send_email("Alert!", f"Visualization with id {new_item.id} has reached threshold!")
new_item.notified_before = True
  • new_dict contains all the information about the current 'numbers' from GoodData.
  • old_item contains all the information about past 'numbers' from GoodData, for example, from yesterday.
  • If there are no past 'numbers,' the script sends a notification when a visualization reaches a defined threshold.
  • If there are past 'numbers,' the script checks whether a visualization has reached a defined threshold; if so, it will send a notification.
    • If a notification has already been sent, the script does nothing.
    • If a visualization has dropped below a defined threshold, the script resets the notification mechanism (to send a notification once the threshold is reached again).

You can also check other items in services or utils. However, these are, let's say, just regular Python components that make the entire alerting system work.


If you have any questions or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach us on the GoodData Slack channel. Willing to try GoodData? Explore the possibilities by signing up for our free trial today.

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