Hey Community. Is there any plans to allow for a b...
# gooddata-cloud
Hey Community. Is there any plans to allow for a better / customizable dashboard and report navigation on the embedded view. With many reports and Dashboard, this quickly gets crowded and noisy. Thanks!
Hello Guillaume, there are already a few customization options when embedding dashboards via iFrames. You can find them under the Configuration Options section of our article Embed Dashboards Using Iframes. You can add parameters to the URL to hide the Navigation Panel on the left, for example. Please take a look at the options there, and let me know if any of them would help you with your use-case! If not, would you kindly tell us a bit more about the kind of customization option you’d be looking for? I’d be happy to submit a feature request on your behalf.
Thanks - I'll look first on what you shared 👌
The link is more on configuration the embed itself. I was looking for a "better navigation" to access reports and dashboards. It felt that it was this roadmap item, but I am not certain
Thanks for the details! Yes, improving the Dashboards is in our roadmap, but I’m not sure on the exact details for our intents here. I’m marking it down for the Product Team, as it helps us gauge interest and steer the improvements.
🎉 New note created.
Hi @Guillaume Jacquet, yes, one of our teams is actively working on dashboard organization topic. We are currently working on dashboard tabs and should soon follow with organization of the dashboard navigation bar. Productization of the analytical catalog (currently as experimental) is also on our radar, likely to be addressed in the next quarter. I will tag @Petr Kaspar who is working with the team on some of these features to correct me if I misinterpreted some details.