Hi there, I was wondering if it is possible to com...
# gooddata-ui
Hi there, I was wondering if it is possible to compare multiple years using the time on time comparison filter?
Hi Elliott, Yes, it is definitely possible to compare over multiple years. For example by using Relative period as below:
Thanks Julius, I was hoping to make a graph that has multiple years displayed. Attached is what I came to and what I was hoping to create.
HI @Elliott Taylor, you can achieve this behaviour without time comparison. See the configuration I have below. GoodData however does not put extra spacing between the column groups. Should this be important to you, consider to remove the second item from “View By” bucket, which will produce a stacked column chart with the same information.
The most important part of my chart is in the date group by setting. You need to group by months of year, to see comparison across multiple years.
That works great, thanks so much Tomas!
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