Hi folks, I'm connected to redshift serverless. it...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi folks, I'm connected to redshift serverless. it's worked great continuously since i've set it up. but now, i'm unable to connect despite no changes made to configuration on either side. I get "*Connection failed.* Cannot reach the URL" I'll note that i'm still able to connect to a redshift cluster that i was previousyl connected to. I'm unable to connect to a new redshift serverless instance i just created for testing. What's up with the serverless connection breaking? I am at a conference this week, and I spent all weekend getting my data and dashboards ready for presenting this :(
Hi Daniel, I’m sorry to hear about that. We don’t differentiate between Serverless and regular Redshift clusters from our end; The connection to either of them is done in the same way, as described in Create and Amazon Redshift Data Source. It is unusual to see a connection fail like that, especially if nothing was changed on either end. Still, I would recommend double checking the configuration of your Redshift instance - e.g., ensure the access rights haven’t changed, that it doesn’t contain any features not supported by GoodData, that IP Whitelists are configured correctly, etc. The article I shared above is a good resource for ensuring all requirements are met. Are you able to check your browser’s Developer Tools for the error message that is displayed on the Console when you try to connect to the serverless instance via the Data Source manager? If so, could you share the traceId that accompanies the message?
nothing meaningful in the logs; i ended up recreating everything in a redshift cluster. a 2nd serverless setup again didn't work. any redshift gurus, do share your thoughts