hey everyone—I’m working on a custom theme and inc...
# gooddata-cloud
hey everyone—I’m working on a custom theme and including the
"dashboard" > "content"
section in the JSON increases the size of this text and alters the padding around the widget even though it isn’t defined anywhere. does anyone know why this is happening?
Hi Sabrina, I’m not sure I fully understand the issue here. Would you be able to send a before and after screenshot after applying the new theme? Also, could you provide a part of the json which references this?
hey joseph—here are before and after screenshots
this is the part of the json that seems to be altering the font size and padding, but it doesn’t seem to be any line in particular
Copy code
  "dashboards": {
    "content": {
      "kpiWidget": {
        "title": {
          "color": "#003D99",
          "textAlign": "center"
        "kpi": {
          "primaryMeasureColor": "#2C3647",
          "secondaryInfoColor": "#536586"
        "borderColor": "#FFFFFF",
        "borderRadius": "16",
        "borderWidth": "0",
        "backgroundColor": "#EBF2FD",
        "dropShadow": false
      "widget": {
        "title": {
          "color": "#2C3647",
          "textAlign": "center"
        "borderColor": "#E0E5ED",
        "borderRadius": "16",
        "borderWidth": "1",
        "dropShadow": false
      "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
You should be able to change the size of the padding with the following: “borderRadius”: “16", “borderWidth”: “1",
However, I’m not sure about the font. I haven’t been able to replicate the change of size as it has remained consistent for me in my testing changing the theme