Hi all, I am trying to connect to user data storag...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, I am trying to connect to user data storage using webdav, our custom domain, my user name and password. It always fails with the following error
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PROPFIND /gdc/uploads/ HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
We can't list the content of the /gdc/uploads directory ? did I miss something ? The end goal is to upload custom calendars to customize our workspaces fiscal year.
Hi Alexandre, As the error indicates itself, this data loading method is not supported within GD Cloud. You can find the list of supported Data Sources and supported Data Source Managers here.
Thx for your answer, We need to support custom fiscal year for our companies. As stated in your documentation here https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/dashboards-and-insights/manage-custom-date-dimensions/#ManageCustomDateDimensi[…]ingwithanArbitraryMonth this requires to upload custom calendar. How is this done within GD Cloud ?
This article is aimed on customers working with GoodData Platform. Please check how Date datasets can be created in Cloud: Date Dataset
Some hints about supported data types can be found in article below: Supported data types - Dates
We already use BigQuery to connect our data and we already have a date data set, what we need is to be able to change the fiscal year.
Every thing is working as expected. The only point is that data are displayed by default from january to december. We would like to display data for a fiscal year without having to create custom filters.
I see, thanks for the clarification. Please let me check internally how can we achieve such behaviour.
Thank you
Hi Alexandre, we do not have this supported in GD Cloud yet but we were chatting with our Product team on the topic.. and they would like to know what type of fiscal calendar you need ?
Hi, thank you for the feedback, We have multiple workspaces and we need to support any monthly fiscal year. As exemple, we could create a new workspace any time that need to have the calendar for April to March depending on the underlaying business. The current workaround is to configure a custom filter with pre filled static dates range. But this is not reflecting the real fiscal year when we need to aggregated Metrics using quarter or any other date dimensions. It will be great to have this feature, as it seems to be a must have in the business analytics.
Hi Alexandre, Thank you for the details on your full use case using fiscal dates. Our product team has been made aware of your request, and they will review the functionality discuss the possibility of putting this on the roadmap. Should you have any further follow up on the progress of this, please reach out directly to your GoodData Account owner.
🙏 2
Thank you