Hi all, is there a way to insert the % (percentage...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, is there a way to insert the % (percentage sign) in the custom section of a calculated field without having it calculate percentage? I have data that is AVG of percentages, I just want to insert a % sign at the end of it. When I do it, it calculates percentage from the calculated AVG field
Hi Goran, I am afraid that this is by design and the percentage sign always creates the calculation. I’ve tried creating placeholders and spaces in between the digits and the sign, but it still doesn’t change.
Hi Joseph, yes I tried that also, not to have just the % sign but other characters as well, and no luck also. Thank you for your answer
Hey @Goran Jakimovski, Have you tried to follow these instructions, please? Display Interpretable Symbols
Hi @Ivana Gasparekova Thanks it works great. Why didn't I think of the escape char \ 🙂 Thnx again
🙌 1
No worries at all, I am glad that it worked for you. 😉