Hello all. I have a question about updating the LD...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello all. I have a question about updating the LDM to cater for fine-grained access control, i.e. some users shouldn’t see all the data. Context • Our product is a SaaS tool where we have embedded the GoodData Analytical Designer via an iframe, which is configured to use our own auth provider • We have our own permission and access model, which is a combination of role and row based access • Currently only our admin user roles can access the GoodData instance, and those roles are entitled to see all data • We have other roles that do not have access to all data, governed by our fine-grained permission model • We are working on allowing those other roles to have access to GoodData • Our approach as recommended by the GD team has been to leverage the user filter functionality - essentially filter by
to restrict the content visible for the current user Challenge 1. All the data entities (tables & views) in the LDM would need to be filtered by
2. We’ve tried adding lookup tables with
column that are linked/related to the target entity, e.g. if we had a
table with
and other columns, it would have a corresponding
table linked on
that lists each
for each
- but the target
table does not have the
◦ This approach was intended to keep the ‘business entity’ tables in the same shape, but permit filtering by the
◦ The problem is that the filter only works when an insight includes the
, which we of course can’t enforce 3. Our alternative approach is to create views of the business entities that do include the
, effectively repeating the
and other columns for every user that has access to that row Right now we can’t see how we could make the lookup table approach in point 2 above work. Do the GoodData team know of any way we can force the generated queries to always consider/apply the user filter, even if the user hasn’t added the corresponding column to an insight? Otherwise, is there a different approach we should or could consider other than point 3 above? All thoughts and suggestions welcome!
Hello Eoghan, I assume that you are not speaking about the User data filters(UDF), but rather about the Workspace Data Filter(WDF). Could you kindly confirm if this is the case, please?
I am speaking about user data filters.
We can’t use workspace data filters, because each workspace is for a different customer. We need additional filtering within the workspace.
Ok. Could you share with us the JSON template that you used for creation of your UDF, please?
Copy code
  "data": {
    "id": "project_lookup_filter",
    "type": "userDataFilter",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "Project Lookup filter",
      "maql": "{label/project_lookup.user_id} = \"<user_id_value>\""
You can ignore my Sales references earlier - a real entity for us is Project.
Thanks a lot, this looks fine to me. I am wondering how the relations are set in your model. Please let me ping you also via DM.