Has anyone integrated stripe with GD (using Stripe...
# gooddata-cloud
Has anyone integrated stripe with GD (using Stripe Data Pipeline)? We are exploring linking our stripe to our database for the purpose of pushing data to visualize in GD, but would like to better understand the value of this over just using stripe (aka if it's necessary)
Hi Max, I’m not directly familiar with using Stripe as a pipeline itself. It seems it loads to snowflake or another database, and then from there you could upload it to GoodData. You can find the list of available databases here. Stripe is currently not a supported database, but if this is absolutely necessary for your solution, we can discuss this further with our product team.
Hey Joseph - I was thinking we would connect our database to stripe (to your point) and then then we would be able to push the information from our database (i.e aws) to our GD platform. I was just trying to understand if any existing GD users have done this and what their experience has been
Hi Max, it is business as usual for end-to-end data pipelines starting from crawling data from original sources and ending up with analytics in a BI tool like GoodData or custom data apps embedding semantic models from a BI tool. I wrote several articles about this topic, check my Medium and related open-source repository in Gitlab, resp. in Github(new, in-progress, almost finished). Personally I use Meltano for extract/load to DWH and dbt for transformations in DWH. Moreover, I implemented a gooddata-dbt plugin to simplify oboarding to GoodData from dbt models (generate GoodData LDM/data sources from dbt models/profile) Let me know if anything is not clear.
I don't know much about Stripe. Is it just extract/load tool? Does it expose any metadata about tables/columns? Would you expect a gooddata-stripe plugin automating a migration of such metadata from Stripe to GoodData?
Hi @Jan Soubusta, I believe we are talking about Stripe - suite of payments products. And their data pipeline product allows you to send all your up-to-date Stripe data and reports to Snowflake or Amazon Redshift in a few clicks...
Cool. I found Stripe API DOC: https://stripe.com/docs/api Maybe we could integrate it with GoodData. Maybe we could orchestrate Stripe processes and upload to Snowflake(with their API) and corresponding GoodData updates from the same pipeline.