Hi there - just launched our implementation with G...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi there - just launched our implementation with GD after a great trial period with Oldriska and Maria. Looking to share our access with users but it will only show me "Groups" that I can add vs. individual emails like we did in the trial period. Is there a way to do this?
Hi Max, during upgrade to paid tier we are removing so called
entitlement setting from organization configuration because we assume you will be using your own OIDC Identity provider.
entitlement enables the user invitation functionality (it is turned on in trial organizations as default) but at the same time switching to your own IdP is not possible while this setting is active. With that in mind we can turn on
for you to enable invitations, just let me know here or in the proactive welcome email we’ve sent you.
yeah if you can turn on the managed that would be great. Thanks Jan
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It’s done. It can take a few minutes to propagate back to your organization.
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Thank you!
Hey Jan - any idea when the managed users feature will be live as it is in the trial version for GD users? It's a little concerning how technical it is to add/remove/control users and views. It was far smoother in the trial period and I'd love to have the same UX for this capability given that most of the user management will be controlled by non-technical teams
Hi Max, the user management UI will be delivered to paid tiers of GD Cloud as a beta feature during release happening next week. Feel free to follow our release notes for any updates.
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Hi Jan! Any update on this?
Hi Max, user management UI should be released for paid tiers.. are you unable to see it?
Hi Jan, I have the ability to invite users via email, but I am unable to manage permissions/views / specific dashboard access in the UI
Ah nevermind, I believe I now have access to users and groups!
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Is it possible to limitusers/groups to specific dashboards from this UI? Looks like I can only add to workspaces?