Hi, I have an issue with user management interface...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi, I have an issue with user management interface. I have invited a user and removed admin rights, just specified VIEW privileges, but the user could still edit the dashboard. Any idea how to fix this? Also, in trying to achieve this, I have removed myself admin rights 😞 Any idea how to get them back?
Hi Goran, I’ve been messing with the permissions a bit on my own domain and have run into some issues if you just add the user to a “viewer” group but keep the admin permission at the user level. Not the most ideal experience, but I’ve found it can be fixed by removing all the permissions and removing the user from the groups, and then starting over from the beginning. Just please keep in mind there are two levels for permissions, User and Group.
Currently, do you have any user with admin access to the org? If not, I can re-add you, but I will need to know your org name or URL
Hi Joseph, I do not have member permissions only and cannot see any of the workspaces. This was a trial platform since the actual platform will start from 1st of January. The URL is: https://double-starfish.trial.cloud.gooddata.com/ and the organization is GoBright
thank you so much for the assistance, I invited a user and removed all permissions
When I listed the user, it showed that it had group permissions, when I go to view the user details, it showed no permissions
also, from the API call, it showed no permissions
So are you able to create the users and assign the correct permissions, or do I need to re-add a user into the admin group?
I can only login. Cannot do anything else
ok, give me a moment
if you can assign admin rights to g.jakimovski@gobright.com
Hi Goran, I’ve just added your user to the admin user group. Could you please confirm that you have access now?
Hi Joseph, I logged out and logged back in twice, and I still have no permissions 😞
ok, let me try again
ok, could you try once more please?
nope 😞 still the same
are you adding admin privileges to g.jakimovski@gobright.com?
yes, and I’ve actually just tried on goran.feit@gmail.com as well
this I can open
ok, then if you click this symbol in the upper right hand corner:
that should take you to the home page to see the list of workspaces
can you access that part?
yes I can
but I have no access to any of the workspaces or to create a new workspace
I dont even see them
does it just show grey lines?
yes grey buttons that I cannot click
I can try and delete your user and then resend the invitation. Do you agree with this approach?
can you try with goran.feit@gmail.com
if that is ok
sure thing
thank you
Ok, I’ve just sent the invitation to goran.feit@gmail.com
this is what happens when I try to log in
ok, i’ve run into a similar issue when I was testing on our end as well. can you try from the previous link: https://double-starfish.trial.cloud.gooddata.com/dashboards/#/workspace/gdc_demo_6f2f2f98-381f-4a02-85c[…]board/092929af-375a-4e9c-964f-2add8cdbd259
I tried it and it is just loading, it doesn't show anything but in console it says: detail: "404 NOT_FOUND \"User is not registered\""
Tiger gives this error
ok, give me a moment again. I’m really sorry for the troubles here
No problem. Thank you for helping me