Hi all, When exporting a report, the formatting of...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all, When exporting a report, the formatting of a date column does not match what we have in the UI. UI = MM/DD/YYYY, Exported = YYYY-MM-DD Is there a way to fix this?
Hello Brunno! Are you exporting this report to CSV or XSLX? From my tests, the XSLX exports do maintain the formatting used on the original visualization (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY), but the CSV reverts to YYYY-MM-DD; This is intended behavior for the CSV exports, as explained in the Export Visualizations article:
If you want to process report data in more detail in another application, and do not need formatting, export the report as a
Can you tell me a bit more about the use-case for the exported reports here? Is there a particular reason you need to format the dates on the CSV (that is, if you are indeed exporting to CSVs)? Otherwise, I’d recommend exporting to XSLX instead, if maintaining the formatting is something you’d require 🙂
Hi @Francisco Antunes, thank you! When I try to download as XLSX I’m getting the following error:
Copy code
  "detail": "Server-side problem. Contact support.",
  "status": 500,
  "title": "Internal Server Error",
  "traceId": "3ad302e6d6b2aa77714209cc533781a0"
Thanks for sharing the traceId. I found an error message saying ``message=INTERNAL: String does not contain a date: present at position 0` , which isn’t very informative. I would like to try and reproduce this from my end, can you tell me a bit more about the report in question? Is there anything special or different about it? A screenshot would be very helpful, if you’re OK with sharing one!
Nothing special really, only a few attribute fields and two dates grouped by minute.
👍 1
Captura de Tela 2023-12-28 às 12.17.06.png
Hi Brunno, I discussed this one internally and I believe we have resolved the cause of the issue. Would you kindly try the export again and let us know if it works?
Hi @Francisco Antunes, thank you! I was able to download it now, but the date format is different from the UI, even in the XLSX file.
Thanks for confirming! Would you check the Date Format on the affected workspace/org? There is a known bug where if this is not set/set to an undocumented value (if done via the API) it can cause the XSLX file to display the raw values instead.
The Formats in my settings are
English US (en-US)
for the organization, but I’m still getting different when downloading
Just to confirm, on the exported XSLX the Date columns are showing raw data (as in: YYYY-MM-DD, hh:mm), correct? Are you opening it directly in Excel?
Yes, correct.. Excel
👍 1
Thank you! I will work on reproducing the problem and discuss this a bit further on our end. We’ll be in touch when we have an update!
Hi Brunno, sorry for the big delays here! Holidays got in the way, but I was able to reproduce the issue on our end and have engaged our Engineers to have a look at it! We’ll let you know when we have some progress.
Hi @Francisco Antunes, Thank you!
Hi Brunno, thank you for your patience while we sorted this one out! We were able to successfully resolve the issue causing the Formatting issues on XSLX. Would you kindly check on your end and let us know if it works as expected now? Thank you!
Hi @Francisco Antunes, Thank you very much! It’s working as expected now