Question: I am still getting save error at metrics...
# gooddata-cloud
Question: I am still getting save error at metrics, does anybody know if it is some bug, or how to solve it. It is happening for half hour now. I tried to close all tabs and open window of good data again, and I still have this issue.
👀 1
Hi Markéta, Could you please confirm if this issue is occurring globally with all metrics or only with specific ones? Additionally, is it affecting metrics that previously functioned well or maybe only some newly created ones?
If we are talking about some global issue, it might be worth trying to clear your browser cache and also datasource cache:
I found the what causing the issue - if I have 2 workshpace, where in one I have workspace metric - for example Data_diff, then it have id date_diff and if I will want to create data_diff in second workspace it will fail in error, because this id already exist, it helps to name it differently. This issue was repeatable for me, I just didnt know that this is a issue.
Thank you for letting us know. I suppose these workspaces are part of same hierarchy, is that correct?
Yes, correct
Hi Marketa! Is it possible that first workspace where the metric exists is the parent/master workspace and the one where you were hitting the issue is the child one, please? The metric might be already inherited from the parent workspace. More info can be found here: Multiple tenants