When an insights drills into another insight - whi...
# gooddata-cloud
When an insights drills into another insight - which columns (if not all) does it use to drill-down? I have a case where it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't and I can't figure out why... All the fields within the original insight are the same as in the drilldown insight (as in - the fields are unchanged/no difference in values), but it still fails to load them. When I place the drilldown insight into the dashboard itself (as a chart to be visible), it works all of the time, but if i link it as a drilldown it still sometimes works and sometimes doesn't - it says no data available for your filters. I mean it works by itself when on the dashboard, but not while in drilldown - why is that?
Hi Filip, Drilling acts like a type of additional filter and when you click on a specific field to drill, your drill-down Insight will be filtered also by the drill attribute value. Could it be possible that some of your filters are in conflict? You can find some additional info here.
@Ivana Gasparekova I understand that it uses filters from dashboard (top bar) + attributes in the insight itself, but even if I set this insight to drill into itself - it still doesn't work in half the cases, just like the problem I discussed above. I mean drilling an insight into itself should always work - its using the same filters (dashboard +insight) that it uses when its in the dashboard and when its drilled. So why doesn't it still work?
Bit hard to guess, to be honest, if the issue sporadic. Does it happen with one particular Insight only, please? Also, are you able to retrieve related TraceId from your browser, when it throws an error?
@Ivana Gasparekova it is sporadic - it only works for this insight and the drill works 50% of the time, the other 50% of the time it says
no data for your filter selection
, even when drilling into itself. I cant give a trace id since its not an error technically, it just says theres no data
Thanks for all the details and really sorry for your troubles here. TraceId or ResultId should be still available, for the Insight execution action itself. It could give us more details on what could be causing such misbehaviour.
You can send me a DM with IDs or result URL, if it is more comfortable for you.
@Ivana Gasparekova I couldn't find the trace - the only even it gives me upon clicking on drilldown is related to wrapper height. I've made a HAR file though and sent in DM
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@Ivana Gasparekova It works completely fine 100% if the time when I set the drill on an attribute (user email), but works half the time when I set it on a metric (count of user assigned practices). I need it to work on the metric not on the attribute
Could you let me know what kind of Insights are you working with, please? I’d like to simulate the scenario in my testing environment as well.
@Ivana Gasparekova They are both tables
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Any update on this?
Hi Filip, I was unable to replicate the issue on our end. I will reach out to you via DM shortly as well.