Hi all - working on a drill down for one of my ins...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi all - working on a drill down for one of my insights but running into an issue. I have a treemap of spend broken down by a specific tag, and when I click on the tag or the total it should drill down into a tabular view that I have set up. Everything works great except for the block for
(empty value)
when I drill down into that tag (or lack thereof), the result says there is "no data for your filter selection", however in the tabular form there is definitely spend that corresponds to an empty tag. How can I get the drill down to show the corresponding data?
Hi Josh, I think the simplest way to resolve this would be to create a new insight that you can drill-into and that insight will show the data as displayed in your tabular form example - Or any other report type which works for you which also shows the breakdown by tag, service and unblended cost?
Hi Michael, yes I did that as explained above. Everything works great, except for the one for
(empty value)
all of the other buckets work successfully.
Hi, how is the “(empty value)” represented in data? Is it NULL value in a column of an attribute in fact dataset? Or is it NULL value in column pointing to dimension dataset with such attribute where NULL value does not exist? I suggest to add special value for such case (e.g. “N/A”) into dimension dataset if the latter is the case and reference it from the fact dataset.
Hi Jakub, it is the former, an empty value in a column of an attribute in a fact dataset. It seems that since it shows as (empty value) in both tabular and graph form that when I drill in it should filter to the same (since we are able to filter on empty value within an insight)
Hi Josh, thanks for getting back to us with this clarification. As Jakub mentions previously, the best approach here might be to add a special value for such case (e.g. “N/A”) into dimension dataset. Would this option work fro you?
No, I cannot alter the data set. I need to be able to show the correct data. I am having a hard time understanding why, within an insight, we can filter and sort things that have a NULL value within the tabular data (they show up as (empty value) as shown in multiple screenshots above) however using the drill down feature will tell me there is no data available to be shown. We can see in the pictures in the thread that there is matching data to be shown, and all other drill downs work accordingly.
Hi @Jakub Sterba, might you have a better solution or idea here for how we can better handle the Null / Empty value in the drill down in this case?
In case null value is actually present in source column of an attribute we should treat it as a bug. Workaround is to replace it by some special value like ‘N/A’. This can be done for example by mapping the dataset to SQL query instead of physical function using NVL function in SELECT clause of the query.
yes thank you, this is clearly a bug. I can sort the table against any value including null as seen in my pictures, but the drill down does not work like all of the other entries in the column. I need to be able to use the data as is, not alter the source data. Please put in a bug fix ticket as I have clients that need to be able to view accurate data.
I have filed bug ticket. Drill filter tries to filter empty string value
instead of NULL value
👍 1