Hello, i need some clear guidance on how to filter...
# gooddata-cloud
Hello, i need some clear guidance on how to filter between parent <> child workspaces
We have a parent workspace that pulls all of our data, and several child workspaces that we want to use all the data of the parent workspace, but with filtering based on specific columns
Can you please point me to the exact point in the docs to implement the above?
to speed up the resolution time ill share what steps we've performed, but the last days we've encountered cases where data show up in child workspaces, that they shouldnt, based on the filtering: • we've followed the docs from here and applied the same filtering to all our child workspaces • this worked fine until recently, where we found out that you can apply filtering through the UI through the Data tab ( Data filtering on a dataset) i can't see the above second bullet anywhere in the docs, and we're unsure what exactly needs to be done to ensure that we don't have data leaking between our workspaces
Hi Konstantinos*,* I can confirm that the procedure from the docs you’ve sent is legit and correct. If you followed it, everything should work as expected (though I’m not familiar with your exact setup) and the new feature shouldn’t affect it. The reason why you don’t see the other UI setup in provided docs, is that you are looking at Cloud Native (CN) version. You need to go here - (Cloud version). The procedure is described in the very bottom: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/workspaces/workspace-data-filters/ (as per the docs - you need at least a
level permission to the workspaces you are setting up the data filters for) You can also find the feature in our Release notes from 24th of August: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/19788629374227-GoodData-Cloud-August-24-2023
@Julius Kos Thanks! 2 questions: • Based on the docs, do i understand correctly, that we can set the filter only on the parent workspace and then all datasets on the child workspaces will inherit? Or do we need to take any action on the child workspaces? • Do we need to apply the filtering from the UI on each dataset, or is there a way to apply it to all datasets?
@Konstantinos Koroneos Apologies for my later reply. I have internally raised some questions so I am 100% sure to give you precise information. Also, I have to admit that our documentation might be bit confusing in this matter. I will raise that internally too. Please stay tuned, I will definitely get back to you once I have more information.
Can you please meanwhile confirm that after the released change (possibility to map WDF to dataset in LDM) you have observed some functionality discrepancies with your WDFs? Were there some WDF’s that previously worked and after this change they got broken? Can you please double-check that and possibly give us more information?
The filters are applied on datasets where application of workspace datasets is enabled and columns from source tables are mapped correctly for use by the filter. You can check for which datasets filters are applied and for which not in side panel of modeler. This should be done in parent workspace for which the WDF is created via API. The filter conditions are then applied in the child workspaces and values assigned to them are used there.
Hello team. To answer this, yes, we observed discrepancies and ill try to explain in as much detail as possible. • up until the latest release, the way we applied workspace filters was using steps 1 & 2 from this link. We had understood that if the column filter was part of the dataset, the filtering was automatically applied, and after extensive testing we had rolled this out to our production users successfully (June - Aug). • on Sept 19th we found out that filtering was not working as expected, so we went ahead and applied manually through the UI (steps 3-7 from docs) the filtering on all (most used) datasets • up until Sept 21st, filtering was working correctly, until Sept 22nd where we found out that the filters were not working again To give you some additional context, since this has caused a lot of questions form our clients we have revoked access to our feature, until we know exactly how to solve it. We can't risk again filters not being applied / changed.
@Julius Kos i would like specific input on the below matters after you complete your investigation: • Do we need to manually apply our WDFs to the datasets from the UI for all datasets, or is there another (maybe faster) process? • What caused our filtering to stop working, when it did work prior to the latest changes you introduced? This is a very important point as our clients have raised questions, and internally in the team we need to ensure that this never happens again.
Hi @Konstantinos Koroneos, Regarding your two questions: • I can confirm that for all the datasets you are adding, you need to manually apply the filters in LDM. There is one exception - if you use the naming convention in your tables (meaning naming the columns with prefix
) then the rule would be automatically applied. • It seems that we already now where is the issue, we can confirm that it’s our end and our engineering is currently discussing the possible fix which will prevent this to happen in future. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
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We will follow-up with more information as soon as possible
Hello @Konstantinos Koroneos, this is Martin from GoodData Support. I would like to let you know that we are still working on this and we will update you tomorrow.
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Hello team. Could you please share an estimate on when we will have a solution to the issue? @Martin Burian @Julius Kos
Hello @Konstantinos Koroneos we are still working on it, we should have a solution today. I will get back to you once I have more information.
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@Konstantinos Koroneos I have opened a support ticket for the issue and provided details there. You should get a notification via email.
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