Hi Guys, can you please help me with on how to emb...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi Guys, can you please help me with on how to embed visuals , using webcomponents?
Hello @Hari Haran R, this article describes all the steps to embed dashboard or chart using web components. Check it out and let us know if it was helpful https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/webcomponents_intro.html#integration
So using web-components, i can only use features from the created Dashboard, and i can't create Custom Dashboard. Is that right?
This depends on what you are trying to achieve. GoodData uses 3 basic entities • metric • insight (a chart or a table) • dashboard All of them can be created from the UI or using declarative APIs. If you want to create custom dashboard (meaning not to use our dashboard, but your own custom code), then you can embed GD insights into such a code using Web components or React SDK. If your goal is to programatically control our dashboards from Web components, I think that is not possible.
Here is an article about work with dashboards in our React SDK. https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/choose_dashboard_approach.html