Hi All, can you help me with the following questio...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi All, can you help me with the following questions? Currently, I am trying to restrict the attribute elements of the attribute filter button according to the selected elements of the parent filter with "Parent-Child Filtering" as shown in the following link. Specifically, I am trying to implement it with "parentFilters + parentFilterOverAttribute in useAttributeFilterController" in the following link. - [Parent-Child Filtering](https://gdui-examples.herokuapp.com/attribute-filter-components/attribute-filter-button#:~:text=source%20code-,Parent%2DChild%20Filtering,-This%20example%20shows) - [useAttributeFilterController](https://gdui-examples.herokuapp.com/attribute-filter-components/customizations#:~:text=source%20code-,useAttributeFilterController,-The%20easiest%20way) - Q1. Is it possible to use useAttributeFilterController & parentFilters? - Q2 How can I check the limitation in Parent-Child Filtering document? - > Note that current limitation is that you must specify the parent filter attribute elements using their URIs and it is currently supported only by GoodData Platform, not GoodData Cloud or GoodData.CN. - in 「Parent-Child Filtering」document - Q2-1 Which is GoodData Platform and GoodData Cloud? And what is the difference between bear and tiger version for implementing parentFilter? - backend:
const backend = tigerFactory().onHostname('<https://something.cloud.gooddata.com/).withAuthentication(new> ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication))
- request: https://something.cloud.gooddata.com/api/v1/actions/workspaces/[workspaceId]/execution/afm/execute - Q2-2 How can I get the parent filter attribute elements using their URIs (UriRef)? Now I can get only local identifier (IdentifierRef). -
const locationStateIdAttributeUri = "attr.restaurantlocation.locationid" // from where?
- Q2-3 Is is necessary parentFilterOverAttribute? How can I implement parentFilterOverAttribute using locationStateIdAttributeUri?
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const locationStateIdAttributeUri = "attr.restaurantlocation.locationid" // Q2-2 How can I get the parent filter attribute elements using their URIs (UriRef)?

  const locationStateFilter = newPositiveAttributeFilter(

  // using parentFilters and parentFilterOverAttribute to limit the attribute elements
  // Q1. Is it possible to use useAttributeFilterController & parentFilters?
  // Q2 How can I check the limitation in Parent-Child Filtering document?
  // Q2-1 Which is GoodData Platform and GoodData Cloud? And what is the difference between bear and tiger version for implementing parentFilter?
  const {
    elements: locationCityFilters,
  } = useAttributeFilterController({
    filter: newPositiveAttributeFilter(Md.LocationCity, []),
    parentFilters: locationStateFilter ? [locationStateFilter] : [],
    // Q2-3 Is is necessary parentFilterOverAttribute? How can I implement parentFilterOverAttribute using locationStateIdAttributeUri?
    parentFilterOverAttribute: {
      uri: locationIdAttributeUri,
      type: 'attribute',
Hi Yoshimori, First of all, we need to find out what product of GoodData are you using now. As you noticed by yourself, there are some limitations applied to each product. By our records, you are working with GoodData Cloud. Please make sure that you are following the right documentation. Please check the articles below: React SDK for GD Cloud Parent filters
Hi. Thank you for your answer. I'll tell what you write. and I have some more questions.
First of all, we need to find out what product of GoodData are you using now.
it's below. • react SDK ◦ 8.12.1 • others gooddata lib ◦ 8.12.1 • typescript ◦ 4.9.3 • next ◦ 12.3.4 • react, react-dom ◦ 17 package.json
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"@gooddata/api-client-bear": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/api-client-tiger": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/api-model-bear": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-backend-bear": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-backend-tiger": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-model": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-all": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-charts": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-filters": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-loaders": "^8.12.1",
    "@gooddata/sdk-ui-pivot": "^8.12.1",
    "next": "12.3.4",
    // for GoodData React SDK
    "react": "17.0.2",
    "react-dom": "17.0.2",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@gooddata/catalog-export": "^8.12.1",
    "@types/react": "17.0.2",
    "@types/react-dom": "17.0.2",
    "typescript": "4.9.3",
you are working with GoodData Cloud.
Sorry, I'm not make sure that my app is working with GoodData Cloud... I have some more questions for this. How can I find my app is working with GoodData Cloud? Is it true? • Q4 between Cloud and Platform ◦ ? tiger => Cloud ◦ ? bear => Platform • or ◦ ? https://yyyy.cloud.gooddata.com => Cloud ◦ ? https://yyyy.platform???.gooddata.com => Platform • Q5 @gooddata/sdk-ui 8.12.1 ◦ Cloud only ?
Hi again Yoshimori, Sorry for the delay in my responses. Generally speaking, the person in your company responsible for GoodData should definitely know what product you are using. By our internal records, you are working with GooData Cloud - internally it is also known as “tiger” or “panther”(as you correctly assumed) and GoodData Platform might be described in some developer’s sites as “bear”. All our documentation is labeled (platform/cloud) directly in UI and you can also recognize it by actual URL of the article itself(check the article linked above). SDK is a separate thing as it can be used across multiple products. Did you have a chance to go through the documentation provided in my previous comment, please?
Hi. I can check I'm using GoodData Cloud ("tiger") in my workspace. so probably I can't use parent filter... Thanks ! I'll close this thread.