How to refresh data objects to identify new fields...
# gooddata-cloud
How to refresh data objects to identify new fields without having to delete and re-add them? Thanks!
Hi Sol, May I know what data objects are you speaking about, please? Could you share some example with me?
I have three tables that were joined on the data layer. Two more fields added to one of the tables later. Tried to refresh the data model but new fields wouldn't show up.
I see, thank you for the clarification. May I know how exactly are you refreshing the model, please? Just be aware the model doesn’t dynamically change when you update your data source.
I used the refresh button next to the "From Data Source", did not work. What would be best way to do this?
Hi @Sol Madadha, as the article Evolve Your Logical Data Model explains, you do have to manually update your LDM when your Source Data is modified. The refresh button will display the most up to date data in your Source (the Physical Data Model), but you do have to rebuild your LDM to match. In this particular case, deleting the Datasets and re-adding them from the Source is the correct workflow. edited — I originally mentioned a feature that isn’t available on GD Cloud
Well, ADD is a feature of the GoodData platform. But we are here in GoodData cloud channel. So, about what platform are we talking about in this case?
🙌 1
@Jan Soubusta you’re exactly right! My apologies, I mixed up GoodData Platform and GoodData Cloud. I’ll update my previous reply to make it right 🙂