Hi...I have a user that is part of several user gr...
# gooddata-cloud
Hi...I have a user that is part of several user groups. I also have a userDataFilter set up. When looking at dashboards that have been shared with user group A, I want the userDataFilter to apply. When looking at dashboards that have been shared with user group B. I don't want the userDataFilter to apply. Is that possible?
Hi Dave, please allow me to make sure I got the question right. So this user is part of both Groups A and B. There are User Data Filters enabled for both groups; But you do not want the Group B filters to apply to the particular user. That way, any data that would be limited for Group B (which the user is a part of) would not be limited to the user. Is that it? If that’s the case, would it not perhaps be easier to setup the Data Permissions for them on the user level? That way, you can specify what they can access there instead* I’d also recommend taking a look at this handy Community Article with a few interesting use cases.
That is incorrect. (You're close) There is a userdatafilter enabled for the user. (not the user group) So if a user looks at a dashboard in Group A or Group B the filter will apply. I would only want the userdatafilter when looking at Group A
So this user is part of both Groups A and B, correct? In this case, I do not think it is possible to make them exempt from the restrictions imposed by being part of a group.
I think we're still not on the same page. The filter is on the user, not the user group. Can I conditionally apply the filter...so when they are looking at a dashboard from group A...it applies the user filter....but when they are looking are looking at a dashboard from group B it does not apply the user filter
Thanks for explaining further! If I may, what differentiates these dashboards from each other? Do they display the same information? Were they just shared with different groups?
They display different information, but there is some overlap in the data. For example. I have a dashboard, where I see all my sales information, my commission, etc. since I am part of the sales team (sales user group). I need a filter that filters all sales by my ID (the user data filter) But then I am also the manager, so from the managers team (managers user group)...I want to see aggregate sales data, wins and losses, etc.....this can't have the filter by my ID
I see. The userDataFilter is restrictive by nature, and it is based on the information in the datasets (in this case, the user ID). It will apply to all dashboards, regardless. So, sadly, there is no way of bypassing the data filter applied to the user in this case.
Alright...thanks @Francisco Antunes!
You’re welcome! Thank you for bearing with me and explaining your question in such detail 😄