What is the process for getting a new account setu...
# gooddata-platform
What is the process for getting a new account setup that is a global admin of our good data environment?
This doesn't say how to add another person? Can there only be one admin account?
There can be more than one domain administrator in a domain. To manage domain administrators, you must use the GoodData API endpoint for domain admins - this is mentioned in our documentation here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/gooddata-platform-overview/your-gooddata-domain/
Possibly a dumb question, but if I want to use Postman to post to our GD API, what is the proper way to send the admin credentials to the POST request?
@Michael Ullock ☝️
Hi Willie, please see the following documentation that will help you with this: https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/authorization/specifying-authorization-details/ You can find the authorization types here - but the easiest might be “Basic auth”: https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/authorization/authorization-types/#basic-auth
I already tried basic auth and it didn't work. Is basic auth supposed to be supported by the gray pages?
Basic authentication involves sending a verified username and password with your request. So it would be the same credentials as logging into GoodData UI with your Domain Admin account
@Michael Ullock I was able to get postman working. I created an account in one of the workspaces with "Admin" role. Then I used the POST to /gdc/domains/{{domainid}}/admins using the profile ID of the user I created in the payload. It successfully created a domain admin account for that user (I confirmed by running a GET on the same endpoint. But now when I log into good data with this user, I still don't see all the workspaces of the domain in the dropdown. I only see the original workspace that the user was created under. Is there something else I need to do?
Hi Willie, a Domain Admin does not have access to all the workspaces in a domain by default once created. But the domain admin can now manage all the domain settings, etc. You can also add users directly into workspaces through API. This will bypass any invitation and simply directly add users into workspaces: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/api-reference#operation/addOrDisableUserInProject