I want to customize the email that is sent from Go...
# gooddata-platform
I want to customize the email that is sent from Good Data when you schedule a dashboard to be sent. I have read the documentation here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/gooddata-in[…]to-your-application/white-label-your-domain/email-templates/ but it doesn't tell you how to actually do it. Specifically, I need to remove the links that say "Visit the interactive version of the dashboard in [Method PRD-wide Analytics]" and "[Unsubscribe]" because those links point back to a good data site and our users don't use the good data site (they interact with good data by it being embedded into our application). Can you tell me how to do this?
Hi Willie, Unfortunately, the “Unsubscribe” link cannot be removed, it is required for legal purposes. However, you can suppressProjectLinks, if needed. This parameter control the scheduled Insights/Dashboard hyperlinks, which lead to a GoodData-branded view of the relevant Insight/Dashboard. You can find more details here.
Thank you. That page was helpful.
The problem is why I try to login to https://data-analytics.methodusa.com/gdc/organizations/methodusa.com/settings I get a forbidden error.
I am logging in with the admin account that I use to administer everything else.
The endpoint is slightly different, please try to use the one below: https://data-analytics.methodusa.com/gdc/organizations/methodusa/settings