I am running the model validator to check my model...
# gooddata-platform
I am running the model validator to check my model. https://data-analytics-dev.methodusa.com/gdc/md/XXXXXXX/validate/result/STGG9PyPrepWykc I am getting a strange set of warnings. I don't know what they mean or what I am going wrong in building reports ... Messages: LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Order Line Item Detail" [31645];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Savings (vs Industry Avg Price)" [31697];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Location Count" [31705];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Avg Suppliers Per Request" [31716];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Avg # Orders Placed by Location Per Month" [31720];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Avg Price Drift" [31723];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Avg Price Variation" [31724];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Formulary Purchases" [31726];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Order Detail Drill" [31742];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Unreceived Order Count" [31754];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Total Inventory Quantity" [31755];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Inventory Products Count" [31756];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Request Amount Avg" [31776];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Manufacturer Spend" [31802];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Category Spend" [31803];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Private Label By Category" [31807];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Private Label By Supplier" [31810];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Catalog Items" [31812];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Catalog Detail" [31813];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Formulary Items" [31821];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Non-Formulary Items" [31822];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Catalog Count" [31823];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Total Units" [31840];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Distinct Product Count" [31841];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. LDM, WARN, REDUNDANT: [visualizationWidget:"Manufacturer Count" [31844];origin:] has redundant attribute 'configuration'. Can you tell me what these are and how to prevent them?
Hi Willie, these errors are quite harmless as they are in fact thrown by a bug in the validation process. Regarding the “VisualizationWidget,” it serves as the placement for insights on a dashboard, and the “configuration” aspect appears to encompass newer functionalities such as the ability to hide the title or rename it on the dashboard. You can safely disregard the warnings related to the redundant ‘configuration’ attribute for the time being. The bug has been reported, and we anticipate that it will be addressed in the near future. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.