Hi All :wave: I wanted to check if there is any wa...
# gooddata-platform
Hi All 👋 I wanted to check if there is any way to see the configuration options within GoodData Data tab that allows the LDM to be viewed in custom/analytical mode, choose show/hide date, etc. For some reason, I cannot see that option anymore on the bottom right corner of the Data canvas where the LDM is designed. Is there a way to show/hide that option section ?
Hi Shankar, Is it possible that you are checking this in embedded version of your GoodData? Would it be possible to share a screenshot with me, please? Feel free to DM me if you do not feel fine to share it publicly.
Hi Ivana, I am in GoodData platform and here is the screenshot
Thanks a lot, are assigned with Editor or Admin role, please?
Yes I am assigned to Admin role
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This is pretty strange, does this happen in incognito mode as well, please?
Yes, was able to reproduce the issue in incognito mode as well.
Sorry to hear so, Shankar - one more thing to ask, does it happen even in the edit mode?
Yes Ivana, it happens in both edit and view mode. Previously, I could use that option to choose how I wish to view the LDM and also design, etc.
Thank you for the confirmation, so far I was unable to replicate the issue on my end. Could you kindly check one more thing for me? Is this project specific, or does it appear to be an issue on any other project/workspace?
I checked for all workspaces and projects, and issue persisted across.
Hi Shankar, Sorry for the radio silence, I’ve somehow overlooked your last comment here. I am still unable to replicate the issue and there are no other customers reporting such issue, therefore I assume it must be tied to some of your local settings. It could also tied to the size of your monitor and its resolution - as per I noticed the vertical scrollbar showing in your screenshot. Are you able to scroll it all down and check the bottom of the LDM for me, please?
Hi Ivana, I have scrolled down to the bottom but unable to see it. I was however able to see the options in Safari. Hence I assume it may be tied to Chrome browser. I will try and reset my browser to see if that solves the issue.
Pretty strange, thanks a lot for letting me know. Please make sure that you are using the latest stable Chrome version.
Just wanted to circle back and confirm that reset of Chrome resolved the issue. Strange how Chrome interferes with the application's native behavior. Thank you Ivana ✅
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Very glad to hear so, thank you for your confirmation! 🙂