Hi - I have a white labeled domain. I've customize...
# gooddata-platform
Hi - I have a white labeled domain. I've customized the email via API so that it comes from my standard product email address (hello@mycompanyname.com). However, the name that appears on the email is just "hello". The screenshot below is a scheduled dashboard email. Is there any way to customize this name? I'd prefer it say my company name instead of just "hello" in lowercase.
I should mention that I've already customized my application title and organization name as well. I thought this might fix the issue.
Hi Mitchel, I am afraid, this is not part of our white-labelling settings. You might need to adjust the display name/sender name of the account hello@mycompanyname.com on your end.
Yes, I've already given the user a proper name on my end, but it doesn't seem to come through. This is an issue that seems to happen for GoodData only since I use this email for many different services with no issue
Sorry to hear so, but as mentioned before - unfortunately, the sender’s name parameter is not part of our white-labeled settings. I assume, since it is not specifically set in GD, the email client tries to extract it from the sender’s address. I’d be more than happy to share your experience with our Product team, so they can reconsider available parameters on our end.
Yeah, it would be great to be able to customize this. A random email from 'hello' is a bit confusing for the customer.
Surely, I agree with you!
🎉 New note created.
No problem at all and sorry for the inconvenience.
For now, I imagine the only workaround is to create a new email mycompanyname@mycompanyname.com?
Honestly, this is a first time(at least for me) somebody has raised such a question. But by experience, other customers usually keep it as no-reply@mycompanyname.com and focus on the Title of the scheduled email.
Got it, but I imagine that email would come through as being from "noreply"?
I believe it depends of recipient’s mail client as well. But generally speaking, yes.
Got it, ok well I'll test with creating an email with my company name as the username and report back.
Thank you, appreciated!
Ok, that seems to have worked. The only issue is that my company's name is two words, but I just mashed them together with no space for now. It's much better than 'hello'. 🙂 One more thing, the email seems to have a giant space in it that looks like something should go there. I assume this space is here because I've suppressed project links?
I don’t think that project links would require that much space, but I can surely test it on my end.
I will check this one with our Product team as well as I am also curious if this is intended design. I will get back to you with more information as soon as possible.
Thanks, I really appreciate it!