I am having an issue with the sharing replication....
# gooddata-platform
I am having an issue with the sharing replication. I am setting up my dashboards in my master workspace. I am sharing them to "All Users" and then checking the two boxes underneath "Other Users can access the dashboard if they drill to it" and "Only admins can edit this dashboard". Then I run the "release brick" and "rollout brick". The Dashboards are all getting synced fine to the other workspaces, and the sharing to "All Users" is getting synchronized to all workspaces. But the option to "Other Users can access the dashboard if they drill to it" is only getting inconsistently synchronized. When I check the dashboards of the other workspaces after running the rollout brick, it is checked on some dashboards and not checked on other dashboards, even though in the master workspace it is all checked on every dashboard.
Hi Willie, can you confirm if there are any similarities in the dashboards where the box is left unchecked? Aren’t these all private dashboards? The thing that might be causing this is a lack of the enablement of the permissions in the platform settings as mentioned here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/free/en/dashboards-and-insights/dashboards/share-dashboards/ Could you please check the platform settings and confirm if those have been enabled?
The Dashboards are not Private, they are shared with "All Users". And I have verified those settings
Hi Willie, I’m going to open a support ticket for you as we will need to access the workspaces for the investigation. You will receive an email shortly in regards to the ticket.