Hello, I would like to understand which are the In...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I would like to understand which are the Insights that are created by my customers on their custom dashboards. I wanted to query the models as shown below but it doesn't show me anything. What would be the correct way?
Hi Hans, you could create a simple metric that would filter out the insights created in your development master workspace, for example
SELECT COUNT (*KD Title*) WHERE *Insight Title* NOT IN (*% of transactions paid by Credit Card*)
. From your screenshot I can see that you are filtering the “KD Title” attribute to “XNA”, note that this value is actually a substitute value for when GoodSuccess doesn’t have the metadata for a given object.
Hi Moises, I am confused by your answer to create a metric. I would like to have a list of Insight Titles (existing or new) that are part of new dashboards. like Customer A dashboard 1 - Existing Insight creatd by MXP, Customer B dashboard 1 - My new Insight ABC....
Insights and dashboards are recorded as separated entities in GoodSuccess. You could either list dashboards that are not part of the dev master, i.e., custom dashboards, or list custom insights.
Yes, indeed that's what I would like to do 🙂 But can you tell me how I can query the not-part-of-the-master-insights?
You could define a filter in your metric by using WHERE listing the insights or dashboards that are created by LCM. Unfortunately, I don’t think we have a way to distinguish what objects were created via LCM at GoodSuccess level.
Sorry but I do not understand your answer. I'm not trying to define a metric, I am trying to find out the names of the insights which were created by my customers.
By default you can use an attribute that contains all the insights in the client workspaces, but currently it is not possible to tell apart the ones that are created via LCM from the ones that are created by your users. A way to tackle this, is by filtering out the insights in your dev master via a metric; the data returned would be the insights created by your users. There is certainly room for improvement as there could be an easier way to achieve this, I will highlight this internally.