Error occured while setting up of pgp sso: 400 BA...
# gooddata-platform
Error occured while setting up of pgp sso: 400 BAD REQUEST For input string: "1689802287," Error code='gdc007' Request id='O3VU4gRIBZ7cFboz:uAfHL04FvQskdwgN' Error id='9bacb5d0-7e84-40e5-b601-42395770e72e' json for encrypted claims: { email: '', validity: 1689802287, notOnOrAfter: 1689763287, notBefore: 1689762687 } { "pgpLoginRequest": { "ssoProvider": "pgp-***.com", "targetUrl": "/dashboards/embedded", "encryptedClaims": "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\hQEMA11tX1FLU9c7AQf/WjtF6OiQW4YRu3Uz0K3cAiB9Wq9W+YszbnLh3ZZ2DnEZ ...... xglkqshaylW65DmVXF5QRO6xJN5+\n=\n3TiB-----END PGP MESSAGE-----" } }
Hi Hrashikesh, The request is failing with a malformed exception. Please make sure your encrypted claims have been stringified correctly. You can also use an online tool such as:
Thanks @Moises Morales
Request URL: Request Method: POST Status Code: 302 Remote Address: Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin when i passed to this const domain = ""; const sdk = getFactory({ domain }); const encryptedClaims = "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\r\n\r\nhQEMA11tX1FLU9c7AQgAmLlnW7Th7G2w48tL6YJLL7pX0pL1oL1Nf8W668307jUr\r\nyGJL4j6H............XXVv67AOJ/yy9smh3QXesC09vSdPcRLACvzJA26ZJzmQshnt82uBRFZzkNC\r\n=fwho\r\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"; const ssoProvider = "pgp-*****.com"; const targetUrl = "/dashboards/embedded"; // keep this URL set to /gdc/account/token sdk.user .loginSso(encryptedClaims, ssoProvider, targetUrl) .then((res) => { console.log(res); console.log(res, "ress??"); // now you are logged in, and calls to GoodData will be authorized }) .catch((error) => { // something went wrong, see the browser console for details console.error("eerr", error); }); }, []);
The error does not seem to be related to pgp authentication anymore, but your app does not know where to consume it. I would recommend making sure you have set your CORS policy correctly, the call is documented in our API documentation. Feel free to check the resources below as well: GoodData.UI: PGP SSO Example | The GoodData Community Set Up Authentication and Single Sign-On · GoodData.UI
If you’re still having issues, send us the exact error you are getting in the developer console. Please also avoid sharing any sensitive details publicly.
how to impliment getFactorey with backend in react sdk refused to connect.
It seems this is now an unrelated issue. Could you please post your question to our UI SDK channel so we can continue assisiting: