Hi All :wave:, Congratulations on the most recent ...
# gooddata-platform
Hi All 👋, Congratulations on the most recent July 13th release that included the summarization at column level for pivot tables. This was a long sought after feature, so thank you for making it available. One follow up question, is there a way to sort the entire pivot table based on this summarization column ?
Hi Shankar, currently it’s not possible to sort the pivot table based on these summarization columns. However, I would like to recommend that you follow our Release Notes and Product Updates below (if you don’t already) to keep up to date with al our future improvements in the future: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/sections/203564877-Release-Notes https://community.gooddata.com/product-updates
Is there any React SDK update required to make this work on embedded dashboards?
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