I have admin access to our clients accounts but no...
# gooddata-platform
I have admin access to our clients accounts but noticed I cannot edit someone else's scheduled dashboard emails. I can delete the schedules which seems more of a concern than adding an additional email to a scheduled email. Is this working as expected? If a coworker leaves, I'd have to delete the schedules and remake them from scratch then. Any thoughts?
Hello @Julie Pecoraro, thanks for rising this up. You should be able to edit other schedules as long as you have the necessary access rights: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/dashboards-and-insights/dashboards/schedule-automatic-emailing-of-dashboards/
Users with the Viewer or Explorer role can only see schedules that they created. They cannot edit any existing schedules, only delete them. For details about user roles, see User Roles and User Roles Permissions.
There is one additional exception which you encountered on the screenshot. Only schedule creators can add email addresses outside of the dashboard users. This happens because there could be additional user filters set for workspace users, which influence what data will users see. Email addresses outside of the workspace will always get the same data as the schedule creator, thus only the creator can add email addresses outside of the workspace.
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Thanks you Tomas, so in reading the instructions and user permissions, an Admin (as I am in the system) can modify and delete a scheduled email but the earlier image shows I cannot modify a scheduled email by adding an email recipient to it. Sounds like is should work so I will talk with our GD admin Martin Krecek then.
Yes, this applies for the email addresses outside of the workspace. Please check my second message above in this thread and check with Martin if there are options to avoid re-creating the schedules from scratch. I will pass the feedback back to the product team in the meantime.
I see the second message, yes, this was an email outside the system. We do have unlimited users so we could also just add them. 🤔 thanks
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🎉 New note created.
Hi Julie, Let me also step in here. At this point in time, the option to edit the schedule in the UI directly is not possible. The only possibility to edit the external recipients of emails in this case is through making the call via API. This could be another workaround. 😉
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