Hello, I'm trying to show some tabular data for it...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I'm trying to show some tabular data for item in a table where the aggregated fact = 2. I'm trying to count the instances of a certain value. We can filter by a certain value, but only if a dimension is added to the chart. Can I also achieve the instance count, w/o adding the dimension?
Hi Hans, I believe you will need to add the filter for the attribute directly in a metric by using the WHERE clause Filtering with the WHERE Clause | GoodData Growth
Thanks, that would be a possibility. But do you have any idea of why adding the metric is not possible?
This happens only when counting facts since Analytical Designer expects a specific context to do the filtering, hence it only works when breaking the facts down by an attribute due to the back end computations running on top of it. Is this limiting the usage of the platform in any aspect? If so, I can pursue this further internally.
Hi Moises, no I can use the work around. Thanks