Hello guys! In the Treemap chart display, I was ab...
# gooddata-platform
Hello guys! In the Treemap chart display, I was able to show the information as a percentage (Image 1), but when I use the TOP 10, I'm not able to show it in the same way... instead of showing the percentage, it brings me the real value (Image 2)... You can you tell me if I can show this information in percentage even using the TOP 10?
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Note: It would have to be the same percentages as the Treemap chart without the TOP 10, as shown in Image 1
Hi Douglas, This should be achievable by building the metrics to find the avg and then displaying the percentage through number formatting. You can then use an insight filter and filter by metric for the top 10. You can find this in the funnel selection (screenshot).
thank you so much! It worked here =)
🙌 1