Hello! I found a reference to data permissions <ht...
# gooddata-platform
and we are looking for these to hold: • The data permissions are hidden from the user. • The user cannot modify the data permissions. • The data permissions are applied to the entire workspace for the user, and the user is unaware of any data that does not pass the filter.
Hi Alex, you cannot set data permissions for individual users in GD.CN yet but we plan to introduce similar capability to what is described in the referenced article. Let me ask you, who is going to manage these data permissions in your case? Would you prefer to manage these data permissions centrally using some common business logic for multiple workspaces (e.g. apply filter Department=${department_id} where you assign department_id to individual users programatically during user provisioning) or will it be some administrator of individual workspace who will manage permissions of its individual users (possibly very different permissions for individual users provisioned via UI)? What would fit better your needs?
Thanks Jakub. We are looking to manage them centrally via the custom business logic that is programmatic. Is this on the roadmap for GD.CN?
Yes it is on roadmap for H1/2023
thanks Jakub