Hello - I manually triggered a data load about 30 ...
# gooddata-platform
Hello - I manually triggered a data load about 30 minutes ago. It has been stuck "in queue...". What's the normal time to wait for a process to run? In the past, it usually starts running in just a few minutes.
Hello Mitchel, can you please kindly provide us with the workspace ID where was this dataload initiated? (DM me please)
Hi, we are also having a similar issue, we are currently over 12 hours behind in terms of data updates
@Nathan Liu - Julius said they are having issues with one of their data centers and some refreshes might be caught up in that. I was messaging him on the side.
Ah, nice, thanks for the update. Would love to see a Gooddata statuspage for this type of thing to save our devs time looking to see if an issue is on your end!
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Agreed! The status page says all is well: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us
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@Julius Kos - Curious if you could have the team update the status page?
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seems to be resolved
Mitchel, Nathan, sorry for the late reply. The issue has been significantly mitigated and our engineering is still working on the fix. We have meanwhile updated our platform status. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.