hi all, not sure, if I should post these question...
# gooddata-platform
hi all, not sure, if I should post these questions in beginners 🙂 1 . Is it possible to have two different insights with different data-sources ? My dash doesn't allow to save the dashboard then. I get "Failed to save dashboard, please try again." 2. I computed a metric, which I can't add to my dash, the same error as above. MyMetric: SELECT AVG(SELECT AVG({fact/myTable.variableFloat}) BY {label/myTable.UserId}) 3. How can I add percentiles to my dash. For example 90% percentile ? 4. I have simply created a table. Two categorical variables and in it a count. How can I add vertical and horizontal totals ? How can I swap to vertical percentages ? thanks
Hello @Gorden Pfitzmann, do you use GoodData.CN (self-hosted) or the Cloud (hosted) version?
Hi @Tomas Muchka, let me hijack the thread regarding to the version, we’re on self-hosted version and the v2.0 will be migrated soon
Thank you for the response. For GoodData.CN we currently do not support consolidation of data from different data sources in one workspace. • I would propose to consolidate your data into one data source if possible. • Or consider to use a Data Source Manager such as Dremio or Apache Drill (https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.0/connect-data/data-source-managers/) that allows you to connect multiple data sources. GoodData then treats the manager as one data source with your original databases being available in form of multiple schemas.
thanks, and within one Dashbaord having two different tables myTable1 and myTable2, when adding those I get an error
GoodData creates an abstraction on top of your physical tables called Logical data model (https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.0/model-data/create-ldm/create-model-manually/). The model tells our analytics engine what is the relationship between the source tables. Our analytics works completely on top of the logical data model, so you can query as many tables as you want in a dashboard as long as they are in the model. Please check that your model is valid (there would be an error icon in the top right corner of the model UI) and well-mapped to the physical data (your data source). Also please select the data source that contains the tables you have in the model in left panel. The selected data source influences where GoodData searches for the source data.
thanks Thomas my logical-model looks good, but I get "Failed to save dashboard, please try again." when trying to pull in insights from a different table it happens
Do both tables point to the same data source?
yes, do tables need to be connected via relations
Tables are not required to be connected unless you want to use fields from both tables in the same insight/metric. Otherwise it should be ok to create one insight on top of one table, and second on top of another.
Are you able to display all the insights in the Analyze tab?
yes, when I go to my dashboard and I drag and drop my insight into the dashboard, it is displayed correctly, Going to "Save&Publish" throws
it only happens when this insight takes data from a different table from the logical data model
I have tested the scenario on staging environment and it seems to be working as expected. Could you try to create a new dashboard and reproduce it there? 1. I have dragged two tables from my data source into the logical data model. 2. I have kept those tables disconnected. 3. I have published the model and created 2 independent insights. 4. I have put those insights on a dashboard and saved it.
let me try....
• it works on a new dash • it works, when I remove another insight, is there a limit of insight-tiless addable to a dashboard ?
I’m not aware of such a limit. Can you provide an estimate of how many tiles do you currently have on the dashboard?
25 doesnt let me save wit h24 it works
Thank you. As far as I could check there is no hard limit related to number of insights on a dashboard.
thanks Tomas,
the other point 2,3 and 4 are those doable ? thanks
Hello, I’m unfortunately not a pro in the analytics itself. But let me try to react anyway. Please feel free to ask again in a separate thread in case my answers are not to the point. 2. I would expect the issue was related to the dashboard. Try to use the metric in an insight and check if it works correctly. 3. Our query language MAQL has support for percentile functions. Please check the docs. https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.0/create-metrics/maql/ranking/percentile/ 4. Our pivot tables support column totals, please check the docs about how to enable those. Row total are not supported at the moment. https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.0/create-visualizations/visualization-types/pivot-tables/