Hi! Questions about the User filters brick: 1. Do...
# gooddata-platform
Hi! Questions about the User filters brick: 1. Do I need to specify the workspace_id in the input data or just the user_id and the column values? 2. Can I apply the filter on a foreign key field (prefix =
in ADDv2) or a primary key (
in ADDv2)?
Hi Philippe, 1) you need to specify either the workspace_id or client_id from LCM since the user filters are for specific workspace. (The same user can have different filters in different workspaces). 2) you can apply thr filter to attribute/label. So in the ADD prefix terminology it would be a__ or cp__ The user filters are applied the same way as any other filters in GoodData, that is in the direction of the arrow in the model. So if you apply to cp__ it will also automatically apply as if they were on the corresponding r__
Hi Michal, Thanks for your answer. That answers my question 🙂 1. OK, nb that this is not clear in the documentation, thus why I asked 2. Great to know, thanks for the info!
I see, you are right that it is not clear at all from that documentation. Thank you for pointing that out, I’ve created an internal ticket to our doc team to improve that. Thank you!