Need some help with displaying a dashboard filter ...
# gooddata-ui
Need some help with displaying a dashboard filter to users 🧵
When I configure a dashboard from the parent workspace and when I view it from the child Workspace (Chandris), the filter “Expiry Date” has been added. I have made the filter interactive (see screenshots)
However, when viewing the same dashboard from the client’s PoV embedded w/in our app, the Expiry date filter is not there.
Why is that?
Hi Byron, So do I understand correctly that the filtering is passed to the Child workspace as expected. However, once you embed it into your app, the filter is gone? Can you please confirm what kind of embedding are you using?
Goodmorning @Julius Kos!
So do I understand correctly that the filtering is passed to the Child workspace as expected.
Correct âś…
However, once you embed it into your app, the filter is gone.
Yes, unexpectedly
Can you please confirm what kind of embedding are you using?
We’re using the React SDK
Thank you, in that case, could you please also confirm the SDK version you’re using?
we are using 8.12
Hi Bryan, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - If you’re still facing the same issue, would you please be so kind as to send over a code snippet so we can review this and verify what might be causing the issue there?
Hello @Michael Ullock - I do not understand why you need a code snippet. We setup the reports through the GoodData UI and in the UI we just list the d-boards that include the filters and one filter is missing from one dashboard
Hi Byron, Radek from the GoodData Technical team here! The reason Mike asked for a code snippet is reproducing the issue mostly - we need to be sure we've got everything set up the same as you do, both for us and, eventually, for engineering to be able to dig into this too 🙂
Essentially same snippet as in this 🧵
Oh that helps a ton actually, I was the one working on that 🙂 I'll try to reproduce and come back to you Byron!