Hello guys and gals! I would like to ask if there ...
# gooddata-ui
Hello guys and gals! I would like to ask if there is a way to update specific texts in a rendered dashboard component such as in the table columns and dropdown options (filters). Please advise. I am using GoodData UI React SDK to embed GoodData dashboards in a web app. The purpose is we want to replace some texts in the report such as part of the column name or filter options text with the value set by our users. For example, in the report we have a “Partner Enabled” column and our user set the name value for “*Partner*” to be “*Agency*”, so we want to display in the dashboard embedded in our platform: “*Agency Enabled*” as the column name.
Hi Jeremy, there really isn’t an easy way to accomplish this using SDK, but you can certainly change utilize labels within your LDM to change how the attribute is displayed in specific reports.
Thanks, Joseph. But this would mean we need to configure the names in the platform. We wanted to dynamically do it after the dashboard has been embedded/rendered