Hello team GoodData! we noticed that data tends to...
# gooddata-ui
Hello team GoodData! we noticed that data tends to be alphabetically sorted - was wondering if there is a way to sort via drag and drop or assign sort order via metadata field of some sort
Hi Eugene, could you offer some more details about the context in which you are asking? Is this in the GoodData Platform in general, when viewing reports, or in the context of the GoodData.UI SDK (for building embedded visualizations on an app or site, for example)?
It is possible to define custom sort order for an attribute using sort label in model (additional column in source dataset which is not displayed but used to define order of attribute values).
🙌 1
@Francisco Antunes So asking in general and then eventually in the .ui SDK! for instance "Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter" would display alphabetically in a chart when we would want it to render "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter" @Jakub Sterba do you happen to have a link to the documentation on how to execute this?
Hi Eugene, yes you are correct on the sorting options, that’s the main article. Here is the link for the documentation on Labels. This Community Thread might also come in handy!
Thanks again for sharing these posts. After referring them to my data science team they were wondering if there was a way to configure a 'true' custom sort. for example when presenting a likert scale there are times when the data will be formatted as
Copy code
very likely: 1
somewhat likely: 2
don't know: 3
somewhat unlikely: 4
very unlikely: 5
however they may want to have them rendered as
Copy code
very likely: 1
somewhat likely: 2
somewhat unlikely: 4
very unlikely: 5
don't know: 3
How would you recommend we go about this? Ideally within the data modeling stage but it seems like we would have to create a custom data viz for it?
the team also forwarded me this link as a reference on how they've seen it accomplished in other apps - https://zebrabi.com/advanced-guide/how-to-sort-legend-in-power-bi/ https://community.tableau.com/s/question/0D54T00000C5m4XSAR/change-order-of-color-legend