Could you point out some examples where GoodData c...
# gooddata-ui
Could you point out some examples where GoodData can be used on the server side? e.g., fetching workspaces, fetching a dashboard, etc. We are building an application in Next.JS, so we would like to take advantage of some server-side loading, at least for properties, since the Dashboard component cannot be rendered on the server.
Hello @Gonçalo Teixeira! Are you using GoodData Platform or GoodData Cloud?
For GoodData.CN there the standard API Reference that can be called from both frontend and backend. For example, you mentioned listing of workspaces which can be done by GETting
as documented at[…]20APIs/getWorkspacesLayout. There's also Python SDK that can do all the things mentioned just as well. You are correct that GoodData.UI does not support SSR. We've considered this in the past but is not very requested feature so it is currently in our backlog and nowhere on a short-term roadmap. What exactly are you trying to achieve? I would like to recommend this article on How to automate data analytics using CI/CD that provides a complex example how GoodData APIs can be utilized from different angles. Hopefully it gives you a better idea of what's possible.