Hello all, I am running into an intermittent issue...
# gd-beginners
Hello all, I am running into an intermittent issue where I save my LDM changes in my workspace and once GoodData confirms that saving is complete, I try to navigate to the load section. But then GoodData prompts me saying that my changes are not saved What am I doing wrong and need to do to get out of this situation
Hi Suman, from your description I understand this is occurring on GoodData Platform. I’m not aware of anything that would cause the LDM changes not to be saved, and ran several tests in which I couldn’t reproduce such a behavior. I believe I know the prompt you mentioned; it also has a Save button. What happens when you click that one? Could you tell me a bit more about what exact changes you make that lead to the issue? You mention it being intermittent, but is there some pattern to it?
Sure I am trying to import a LDM json and overwrite the existing json
when I click on the Save button, then it again presents with another window showing changes (where there are none, expectedly since the changes were saved earlier) and on confirming, it saves
Just to confirm, you click the save button and confirm it on the new window that opens, resulting in the pictured green banner once it’s done, yes? And from there, occasionally, you can’t move on to the Load page without a prompt that occurs when the LDM isn’t saved.
Hi Suman, thanks for confirming! In this case, I think we’ll need to take a closer look at the workspace and troubleshoot it directly. Would you kindly send us an email at support@gooddata.com with a quick recap of the issue and links to the affected workspace? We will continue with the next steps from the resulting ticket. Thank you!