In the gooddata.yml, can the source_dir be varied ...
# gd-beginners
In the gooddata.yml, can the source_dir be varied by profile. Something like below. If not, what is a good workaround?
Copy code
  default_profile: dev
    host: <>
    workspace_id: REPLACE_ME_730b50f8-8a93-4723-a872-64dca815a616
    data_source_id: REPLACE_ME_c2066bb5-bb14-419a-8172-239a380ffb49
    source_dir: src/sandbox/
    host: <>
    workspace_id: REPLACE_ME_730b50f8-8a93-4723-a872-64dca815a616
    data_source_id: REPLACE_ME_c2066bb5-bb14-419a-8172-239a380ffb49
    source_dir: src/demo/
    host: <>
    workspace_id: REPLACE_ME_730b50f8-8a93-4723-a872-64dca815a616
    data_source_id: REPLACE_ME_c2066bb5-bb14-419a-8172-239a380ffb49
    source_dir: src/organization_a/
    host: <>
    workspace_id: REPLACE_ME_730b50f8-8a93-4723-a872-64dca815a616
    data_source_id: REPLACE_ME_c2066bb5-bb14-419a-8172-239a380ffb49
    source_dir: src/organization_b/
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Hey Patrick, May I know what exactly are you trying to achieve with gooddata.yaml, please? Are you working with our SDK or maybe with our VS Code Extension?
yes, I am working with the CLI for context.
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having only one source_dir makes switching more difficult
Or we end up with a gooddata.yml for each workspace in our repo.
Trying to consolidate multiple gooddata.yml files into one.
Can you help me?
Thank you for the confirmation, let me check what are our options here.
Hi @Andy - could you or somebody from your team can help Patrick, please?
Hi Patrick. At the moment, a single gooddata.yaml file is designed to work with a single “code” workspace. Profiles are defining different deployment targets (e.g. dev, staging etc.). To work with multiple code workspaces, you’ll need multiple gooddata.yaml files. I realize this is suboptimal, as you might need to copy profiles this way. We have plans to introduce multiworkspace projects in future, but I don’t have a timeline for this feature as of now
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Then 2 follow up questions, the $GOODDATA_API_TOKEN templating is it pulled from environment variables or just the .env file? And, could I variablize or use my own $SOMERANDOMTHING anywhere in the yml or only in the template node?
It is reading the variables from the environment as well. You can use any variable name, not just $GOODDATA_API_TOKEN. This way you can have different tokens for different profiles/files. But, if I remember it right, only for the token field. I’ll double check on that and will get back toy you once I’m in office tomorrow ;)
Hi @Patrick Bierkortte. I’ve double checked the code and you can actually use env variables for all properties within a profile: • token • host • workspace_id • data_source_id
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