Legend not consistent. is there a way to order it?...
# gd-beginners
Legend not consistent. is there a way to order it? Also, in one graph the "No Value" will not get removed from legend. Bug?
Hi Doug, the sorting in the Legend is based on the Attribute label’s sorting, so it’s unusual to see the inconsistency - are both of these filters based on the same Attribute? In any case, you can customize the sorting of the attribute via Label Sorting. You can set it to ascending or descending order (and if you’re using two attributes, make sure to set them both to the same ordering). As for the “empty value”, it will not be displayed on the Dashboard if the filter on the Insight level does not have it selected.
Yes it is the Same attribute It is shown on the dashboard...is the weird thing. As you can see here. I can't get rid of it
I see. That is pretty strange, as I tested on my end and any Attributes that were not selected on the filter shouldn’t be displayed. I will look a little more into this and let you know. Another option for sorting, when the visualization users filters, is via the Sort Visualization drop-down (see the screenshot).
The A/Z worked to make the the same. Just the Empty Value Issue. Maybe I just create a new insight as this one is broke?
Hi Doug, sorry about the small delay here. I’ve been trying to reproduce this behavior on my end but haven’t had luck so far. Would you mind sharing some more information about the Insight? e.g., what the metric looks like, etc? You can send it over via DM, if you’d prefer it.
I figured it out. It was the IFNULL() on one of the metrics. I took that away and it worked as you think it would
🙌 1
That makes sense! IFNULL does force the null values to be a part of the Visualization. Nice catch