Hi, I have a question regarding the connectivity o...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I have a question regarding the connectivity of Gooddata with Actian Avalanche data warehouse. Can anyone provide guidance on how to establish a connection between Gooddata and Actian Avalanche? Additionally, I'm curious to know if Gooddata supports ODBC connections. Does anyone know about it?
Hello Ankita, This is currently not a supported database. You can find the list of supported databases for Cloud here: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/connect-data/ As for the ODBC connections, I will need to double check this internally.
Hi Ankita, currently Actian Avalanche is not a supported datasource, it would need to go through dremio or apache drill. As for connections, for most of the datasources our product contains built-in JDBC driver and this is not something that can be customized.
🎉 New note created.
Hello Boris, can you help us understand how do we use dremio and apache drill?
Basically, these "data lakes" are standalone systems that allow you to combine, manage and aggregate different datasources, without storing any actual data. Queries that are ran on top of these will automatically generate queries to the connected datasources to pull data.
So, if we use dremio or apache drill, are we able to create connection between Actian Avalanche and GoodData and use the data from Actian in GoodData?
theoretically, provided that the dremio or apache drill indeed support connection with Actian Avalanche... To be honest I don't have much insight into AA functionality and integration possibilities.
Hi @Nikita katekar, can you tell me more about how you connect to Avalanche? Unfortunately there is no public documentation, at least I cannot find it. I found only this page: https://www.actian.com/data-lake-analytics/ It seems that it may be used in the same way like Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Is it true? Could you use it like this? Currently we support: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/connect-data/create-data-sources/azure/ https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/connect-data/create-data-sources/synapse/
Hi @Jan Soubusta We have not been able to create the connection, that is what we were trying to learn, if GoodData allows us to connect with Actian Avalanche Warehouse, and if yes, how could we achieve that..
Because there is no public documentation, I need your assistance. Can you share with me what are the ways to connect?
Here is the link for Actian DataConnect documentation: https://docs.actian.com/dataconnect/12.2/#page/Welcome/DataConnect_12.2_Guides.htm We see that Google BigQuery is supported database, we are trying to see if we can use Google BigQuery.
If you use Actian Avalanche, it seems that the way we could connect is this one: https://www.actian.com/blog/cloud-data-warehouse/connecting-to-actian-avalanche-via-jdbc/ I quickly reviewed its SQL reference: https://docs.actian.com/avalanche/index.html#page/SQLLanguage/Introducing_SQL.htm It is similar to some databases, so it should be relatively easy for us to implement the integration. But, we do not have it now. If it is a blocker for you, please, ask for the integration here, we will register it and prioritize it as usual.
If it would be easy to implement in 2 to 3 weeks, please do so. If it would be difficult, we will try to shift to Google BigQuery and then connect to GoodData..
Please, contact our representatives and ask for the connector officially. I am afraid that we can't deliver it so quickly due to conflicting priorities but I can be wrong.
Hi @Nikita katekar We normally don't invest on adding new connectors until there is an opportunity and here I mean a customer opportunity as the environment we offered to you as our partner is a free one, So we are ready to work on new connectors after closing deals with strategic customers which will help us to enter certain markets/industries or with deals above $50k, So for now I would advice to to go with Dremio and once you have a customer in hand we can work on it, I'm sure that you understand our point. Thanks :)
I understand, I'll inform the team and let you know. Thanks for your help in addressing this..