hi, what is the best channel to post relating to f...
# gd-beginners
hi, what is the best channel to post relating to future features and feature requests? Also can you provide an update on when cross visualisation filtering will be launched?
Hi Jamie, Feel free to use any of our Slack channels, please. We really appreciate sharing your experience with us. You can also get subscribed to our Product Updates or discuss your needs directly with your Account owner @Greta.
May I know more about this cross visualisation filtering feature, please? Is it something related to parent and descendant tags by a chance?
Hi @Ivana Gasparekova it is something we raised as being a useful feature in Quicksight and Power BI that isn’t available yet in GoodData. We were told it was imminent on the product roadmap. see this for Quicksight it is to allow scenarios where if I have metric by account type as a donut chart on a page for example - then clicking the type in the chart will filter all other visuals on the page to just that type.
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While you wait for this feature you may consider a workaround using drill to dashboard: You can configure the same dashboard as target of drill. It will pass the selected value of account type in the pie chart to filter bar of the same dashboard. You can configure widgets on a dashboard in such a way that this filter from filter bar influences all the visualizations on dashboard apart from the visualization which is the source of drill operation.
Crossfiltering workaround.mov
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thanks @Jakub Sterba - we were told of this workaround when it was raised in our sales conversations. I can see some limited situations where it could work but it falls short of the kind of functionality I’m used to on Power BI and Quicksight. Can you provide an update on when your solution is to be launched? I think we were told 2024Q1?
I can confirm it is on roadmap for Q1/2024.
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