Hi, I am using GoodData Cloud Free Trial Version.I...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I am using GoodData Cloud Free Trial Version.I want to know how can I describe what each of the bars represent right below them. Also, how can I edit the hover label?
Hi Nikita, other than having the name of the columns in the legend, you can add a description to the insight directly when adding it to a dashboard:
Hello Nikita, there are several ways how to approach your desired outcome of displaying bar names right below them. 1. Utilising the View by bucket. Each attribute in the bucket will introduce a new label into the chart. Note: view by accepts multiple attributes only if there is exactly one metric in the chart. 2. Changing the legend location might be an elegant approach of how to get the description closer to bars.
🙌 2
Thank you for helping me out🙂
🙌 2