Hi, do any one has any idea if api url is been cha...
# gd-beginners
Hi, do any one has any idea if api url is been changed recently. I'm referring one API /api/auth/users/{userEmail} from good data documentation , but its not working
Hi Lakhan, Please make sure that your using the correct APIary. I believe that you are working with GoodData Cloud, so it should be the one linked below: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/api-and-sdk/api/api_reference_all/
Hi Lakhan, I noticed you also posted this same question to a different channel. Please make sure not to create duplicated posts.
Sure Moises, didnt get reply on one, so thought it might get answered on other
Thanks, no worries 🙂
while calling one of the api to get user info, Its returning 404, but I can login in that and can see all work spaces from UI
Can you make sure your call looks like this:
Copy code
curl --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
You need to use a GET.
Yes, it looks like this
and with the same, I can get details about other users, but not for lakhan.rathore@wizehive.com
and with lakhan.rathore@wizehive.com, I can login in good data ui and see all the worspaces and analytics
I just want to know why the user information is not being return by api
Are you also using the correct hostname?
yes, with the same host name I can get details of my other team members
Thank you for the confirmation. Please let us check if we can retrieve more details from the LOG.
ok, thanks
Also, while going thru above link for api details to see permissions on a workspace, getting invalid api end point error. I am using : /api/v1/layout/workspaces/{workspaceId}/permissions
User not able to login => Hi, I've created a new user and able to fetch details of the same using api : https://wizehive-test.cloud.gooddata.com/api/v1/entities/users/1015423-bf , but when this user try to access good data, it get message as access denied. Can someone please see if the issue is from good data end or from SSO authentication ?