Hi, I am looking for some help please, I am strugg...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I am looking for some help please, I am struggling with import csv. There is no import from file on my menu options. There is clearly a menu item for import in the training video but my menu does not have this option. Looking at the data sources, csv upload is not shown in there either...any help much appreciated. Am I to assume that using the cloud version doesn't give the same options as platform? I can't see a demo version of platform to try..
👋 1
Hi Wallis, Happy to help here! Please be aware, this training is aimed on our customers with GoodData Platform. I assume that you are working with GoodData Cloud, please correct me if I am wrong. Some features are only available for certain product(Cloud or Platform). If you are really working with GoodData Cloud, please check the following course: https://university.gooddata.com/connect-your-data
thanks Ivana, yes you are correct. It's not obvious there are two different versions, is there a demo version of platform? I would imagine most people who want to demo/test would be using small samples of data rather than connecting to their live data sources. Unfortunately I am unable to review the application if I can't use my own data samples.
Unfortunately, direct upload of CSV files is not supported for the Cloud version right now. You can discuss your further options directly with your Account Owner @David Munka. Fingers crossed for you, I believe that David will help you to find some solution fitting your needs.
thanks Ivana, that's great
No problem at all. 😉