Hi folks. After a long search to abandon Data Stud...
# gd-beginners
Hi folks. After a long search to abandon Data Studio and find something to allow our team to query our data, I’m loving GD. 🙂 But I’m having some challenges setting things up with our Postgres DB. Some of the tables I’m using are a few million rows, so every time I’m making changes to the setup and trying to get connections working, it takes a long time to re-load (which I seem to always have to do?). I’m wondering if it’s possible to do one (or both!) of two things: 1. Can I only load in the last 1,000 rows of a table? This would make setting up a lot easier, and once setup I could switch to load all data. 2. Can I load from Postgres using a specific SQL query? Some tables have dozens of fields, and going through and deleting them every time I’m trying a new way of organising data is taking a lot of time. If I could write an SQL query to load data in, my life would be a lot simpler.
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Hi Nic, thank you for your interest in GoodData! In order to provide the best information available, may we know which GoodData product are you using? Is it Gooddata Cloud Native?
OK I am definitely a beginner - I did not know there were different products? I’m just using the account_name.on.gooddata.com version.
No problem, you are using the hosted version. To answer your questions, the LDM modeler supports views so you can easily upload the data you need from your table (note that this would need to be done on the database side). For loading large datasets, I would recommend using Incremental Data Loading. Feel free to check the documentation below that should help give you more insight on this task: GoodData-PostgreSQL Integration Details Data Modeling in GoodData Loading Data from Data Warehouses
Excellent, thanks so much - I’ll get reading. 🙂
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@Jakub Sobotka